Plant mage

My addiction to plants isn’t exactly unknown (you don’t say, they cry). A couple of months ago over on Mastodon, author Vicorva called me a ‘plant mage’. That rather tickled me. Then she wrote a #microfiction about a plant mage …

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Pumpkin harvest 2020

With the nights drawing in and the chances of frost increasing, I decided to harvest the few pumpkins that grew this year. Given a lackluster summer, I actually feel I’ve done pretty well. In particular, the Sibley Squash, below, from …

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Cracking Crocosmia

Late summer and the Crocosmia is cracking hot in my front garden. Crocosmia are one our favourite summer plants and we have several cultivars. First up is everybody’s favourite, Crocosmia ‘Lucifer’. This always flowers before any other Crocosmia in my …

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Gwenfar’s Garden is moving!

Over the next couple of weeks, my site is going to be moving from Blogger to WordPress. Hopefully there won’t be too much downtime, but I wanted to let people know. Email subscribers: with luck your subscription will just transfer …

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Tulip fever

It’s tulip flowering time and oh gosh, do I particularly have tulip fever this year. I only have a few cultivars in my front and back gardens, but they are looking fabulous and I’m feeling that maybe I need some …

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In memoriam: J-P Stacey

It’s hard to find the words. They have been stuck inside me for weeks. But I need to say it, to write it down. One of the dearest people in the world to me, has died. J-P Stacey was one …

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On the move – new opportunities

The garden in mid-winter It’s been a little quiet here when it comes to blogging about the garden recently. That’s because changes are afoot and I’ve wanted to wait until things were confirmed before writing about them. Well, I can …

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Photo essay: Peak District, no. whatever*

*lost count, but who cares, it’s the Peak District. Beyond High Bradfield Looking toward Lower Bradfield and Loxley Towards Strines Moor Castleton towards Winnats Pass Winnats Pass (from inside the car) Winnats Pass (from inside the car) Winnats Pass, back …

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