Mobile Sheffield

Sheffield city centre is a decent sized city. From the Castlegate area down to the Moor Market, it’s about 2 miles. There used to be a city circle bus route that you could hop on and off to get to …

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ME Awareness Day 2017, and my gardening clogs

12th May marks ME Awareness Day. In particularly, the #MillionsMissing movement aims to raise awareness for M.E., an underfunded and ignored disease. Today we ask for increased government funding for research, clinical trials, medical education and public awareness. It’s timely …

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Waiting with ME

We have all been there. We’ve booked in a tradesperson to come around and fix something in our home (whether rented or owned). You plan for it, often taking a day off work. They don’t turn up at the agreed …

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Garden visiting with ME

An ME Awareness Week blogpost As this is primarily a gardening blog, I wanted to contribute a post to ME Awareness Week within this context. After some recent experiences visiting some large gardens in Scotland, I wanted to write about …

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