land for who?

Kevin came across this on Media Lens, and I wanted to post it here as I think it perfectly expresses the current policy of the Israeli government. Keep building illegal settlements and deny Palestinians their right of return. That’s one …

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A frustrated gardener…

Argh, it’s raining. Again. In the last couple of weeks, everytime I’ve wanted to get back to the lottie to finish planting the garlic, it has been raining, my back has been out so I couldn’t go, or it was …

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West Papua

One of the campaigns I support (and yes, there are a few), is the Free West Papua Campaign. West Papua has been under Indonesian occupation since the early 1960s. For a bit of background to the conflict, see the about …

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Forbidden Chocolate Brownies

I made ‘Forbidden Chocolate Brownies’. What do you think?  I rather surprised myself with quite how good they are; I’m starting to get good that this baking malarkey. This recipe, like many other cakes I’ve baked recently (Lavender Cup Cakes, …

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Angelic Garlic vs Evil Onion

I hate onion. I think it is evil and must be destroyed. It makes me sick. Literally. I mean, I eat onion, I’m sick. I’m allergic. Hence, I think onion is evil. Garlic on the other hand… Garlic is wonderful. …

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Remember, Remember

the fifth of November! Just came back from Bonfire night at Stadhampton, a village a few miles South of Oxford. Kevin and I went with friends Jackie and Mark (the latter of lottie fame). Guy Fawkes/bonfire night is one of …

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Black Mountains

Kevin and I decided this year that rather than give each other birthday pressies, we would go away for a few days. We chose to go to one of our favourite places in the world, the Black Mountains. The Black …

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Lottie beginnings

My allotment is on Cricket Road, Oxford. I took it on in November 2008, joined by my partner Kevin, and friend Mark who do quite a bit of the digging; though some credit should also go to Mark’s friend Jason …

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