Acer griseum: playing the long game

With some plants, you really have to play the long game. No instant gratification, just planning, and years of waiting. Acer griseum (Japanese maple, also known as the paperbark maple) is probably my favourite autumn-winter tree, for it’s leaf colour, …

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Autumn: Fagus sylvatica – common beech

 Fagus sylvatica hedge (right), and the north-facing hedge flower borders When we first viewed our home, one of the things that quickly won me over was the beech hedge separating our garden from our neighbour’s. Unlike a fence that blocks …

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Driving Miss Juneberry*

Back in April, after a visit to the Edinburgh Botanic Gardens, I decided I wanted to get myself an Amelanchier tree. One common name for Amelanchier is Juneberry, another being Service Tree. Here’s a reminder of what they look like …

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