Damsons and broad beans

I’m very excited because my Damson, Shropshire Prune, not only flowered this year, but has it’s first fruits now growing! I did see lots of bees around the blossoms in April but didn’t really expect to get fruit as the …

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Front garden design complete

I’m a bit behind with the blogging. We actually finished the front garden 2 weekends ago, but have been so busy with other things that I didn’t have a chance to show you the final result. Firstly, the ‘before’ photo, …

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Angelic Garlic vs Evil Onion

I hate onion. I think it is evil and must be destroyed. It makes me sick. Literally. I mean, I eat onion, I’m sick. I’m allergic. Hence, I think onion is evil. Garlic on the other hand… Garlic is wonderful. …

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