Iffley Meadow Fritillaries

Fritillaria meleagris (snake’s head) and  fritillaria meleagris alba (white) on Iffley Meadow One of the many great delights of living where we do in Oxford, is that we are not far from the Isis Farmhouse, and the Iffley Meadow Fritillaries. …

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Bonfire of the lotties

Kevin and I are on hols at home for a week or so. Today we were down at the lottie working very hard to try and dig up couch grass. Frankly, when the revolution comes, it’s the first to go. …

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Oxford’s Seedy Saturday

Over the winter I’ve been very busy planning events for the coming season at Barracks Lane Community Garden. We have exciting plans for a variety of workshops over the coming months, such as making willow plant supports, plant swaps, foraging …

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Happy Gardening New Year!

Well, 1st Jan and the gardening year starts off well. After weeks of being unable to get into the garden or down to the lottie, first because I had a bad virus and 2nd because everything was covered under 8 …

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Winter visitors

As winter has come early, with snow on the ground in late November and going to work in -4 degrees, my spirits have lifted by a new visitor to my garden bird feeder.     Hummmm, time to steal the …

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October round-up

October was rather busy with work, and my back continued to give me problems, hence the lack of blogging. Here is a round-up on a couple of things that I/we got up to. Earlier in the month Kevin, Jackie and …

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Harvest Fame

After blogging about the Harvest Festival on Sunday, I was called up by the Oxford Mail (no correlation, I doubt the Oxford Mail reads my blog!) and interviewed me about the festival. An article is going in tomorrows paper, and …

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Harvest Festival

Yesterday was the harvest festival at Barracks Lane Community Garden. I don’t know why I haven’t written more about the garden before, given I love it and I work for it two days a week! Somehow I’ve never got around …

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