Gwenfar’s Garden is moving!

Over the next couple of weeks, my site is going to be moving from Blogger to WordPress. Hopefully there won’t be too much downtime, but I wanted to let people know.

Email subscribers: with luck your subscription will just transfer over, but if not, I’ll need to get you to resubscribe. Once the work is done I’ll be able to confirm.

RSS Feed: This will be moving as well, but I’ll let you know the new feed URL once I have it confirmed.

I’ve been wanting to move to WordPress for ages and get away from the google-sphere, so fingers crossed it all goes well. See you on the other side!

An unknown Sempervivum cultivar, that after several years finally flowered for the first time this summer.

1 thought on “Gwenfar’s Garden is moving!”

  1. I’d be a bit scared of moving completely although I so have some links on my blog on WordPress. They both have plus and minus points. Pity one can’t have all the pluses.


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