#Florespondence: Camassia leichtlinii ‘Caerulea’

For years I’ve been meaning to grow blue Camassia’s and finally, voila!

As you can see, it’s very attractive to bees and the purple-blue star-shaped flowers are very attractive.

I’ve planted the Camassia under the Quince tree, along with early flowering Crocus, Narcissus, blue Anemones, Primulas, and also with grass Stipa tenuissima. The idea is a succession of flowering bulbs from early to late Spring, then the grasses, which are evergreen, adding a wind-blown rustle the rest of the year.

The front garden, which is west-facing, means the Camassia capture the afternoon and early evening sun, even on cloudy days, as in the last photo. I’m pleased with the look, which I think should improve further as the Quince tree grows taller.

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