Remember, Remember

the fifth of November! Just came back from Bonfire night at Stadhampton, a village a few miles South of Oxford. Kevin and I went with friends Jackie and Mark (the latter of lottie fame). Guy Fawkes/bonfire night is one of my favourite English traditions. I think because the warming bonfire and the big bangs and twinkling of the fireworks bring out the child in us all. Everyone, adult and child alike, oooohhhhs and aaahhhhs when the really big fireworks light up the sky, and there are giggles of delight at the flashing and twinkling ones.
I do find it amusing that we celebrate an event that failed! Then again, Australian’s have a habit of celebrating explorers who actually got lost and died. Never quite sure how Burke and Wills got to be heros; I think being white men had something to do with it.
Anyway, bonfire night is good fun and I am suitably cheery. Good evening with friends and bright lights. What more could you want? Happy bonfire night to you!

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